With the aim of helping more children to benefit from the behaviour therapy that she has practiced since the 1990s, Julie initiated the concept of specialised pre-school classes.
This project, which was in collaboration with a parent, led to the opening of the first “Classe Soleil” in France in 2009.
These classes aim to :
• help children develop in an ordinary class which adapts to their special needs, while providing the opportunity to mix with other children
• teach all the essential prerequisites of relevant behaviour and educational strategies
• establish an appropriate communication system
• gradually prepare the children to enroll in regular classes
Classes « Soleil »
Ecole Saint Dominique, Neuilly sur Seine and Ecole Franklin, Paris 16ème
Classes « Mésange »
CPPN (Centre Pédiatrique Paris Nord), Sarcelles
Teaching Unit
Situated in the Osiris School, Arcachon
Collaborative and parallel projects
Association ALL « Autism Let’s Link »
• Founder of the association
• Creation of an international network to inform families ( English speaking and French-speaking families)
• Assistance to guide parents towards professionals and specialised institutions
• Collaboration with National Education to place school aids specialising in the guidance of children on the autistic spectrum
CPPN Centre Pédiatrique Paris Nord
Organisation of public workshop in partnership with the CPPN at the Hôpital Parisien Paris Nord