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ABA Definition


ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) is a behavioural method recommended by HAS (High Health Authority) since 2012. This method has been very successfully used abroad since the 1960s. It is based on the learning theory and applies behavioral principles to autism.
The ABA method recommends the establishment of a structured framework suitable to learn the skills that persons without autistic disorder acquire naturally, unlike autistic people for whom it requires an extra effort.
ABA gives them the key to adapt to each situation and to progress thanks to a thoughtful guide who aims to disappear over time.

The ABA method encourages good behaviours and develops communication skills in order to reduce problematic behaviour.
In that way the quality of life of persons with ASD and their relatives is greatly improved.


TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children) is a specialized teaching method that is based on an individual approach of work. Since the learning abilities of children with autism are higher in structured education, TEACCH allows:

Time structuring : : establishes a schedule board for each day/week, so that the person will be informed of what will happen in the short and long term.
Space structuring : enables the person to notice that a particular action can or cannot take place in a given location ( undress, eat,..)
Social interaction structuring : uses the same manners each time you interact with the person or if we need his/her attention.


The MAKATON program aims to encourage communication and use of language. It includes a functional vocabulary that goes along with speech, signs, and pictograms.

Signs and pictograms offer a visual representation of language to improve comprehension and make expression easier.

Objective of the MAKATON method :

Enables better exchanges with the opposite person
Establishes a functional communication
Structures the oral and written language  
Improves understanding and fosters oralisation
Optimises social integration

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ABA Definition

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